General Information


Determine WHEN to Breed – Progesterone Testing Schedule

  • Start Progesterone testing 7-8 days after the start of vulvar swelling and bleeding
  • Test every 1 to 3 days until ovulation. Doctor will review levels to determine ovulation

Serum Progesterone Levels

  • < 0.2 ng (nanograms) = Anestrus – Prior to heat cycle
  • 5 ng = Ovulation
  • > 5 ng = Post Ovulation

After ovulation, progesterone levels will remain elevated, regardless of whether the bitch is pregnant, for approximately 2 months, then they return to near 0 ng


  • Once ovulated, the eggs take approximately 48 hours to become fertile.
  • They will then remain fertile for approximately 48 hours.

Due Date

Due date is 63 days from ovulation, regardless of breeding days

Insemination date

Doctor will determine insemination date by ovulation timing, type of semen to be used (fresh, fresh chilled, frozen) and method of insemination.

Methods of Insemination

  • Vaginal Artificial Insemination – (Fresh AI) is best used in situations where both the male and female are deemed reproductively healthy and a natural breeding is not desirable or attainable. This technique does not require any sedation. The semen is inserted through a soft inflatable tube, which simulates a natural tie. This method also allows evaluation of the male’s semen, which cannot be done after a natural breeding.
  • Transcervical Insemination (TCI) uses a rigid endoscope to visualize the cervical opening. The veterinarian guides a flexible plastic catheter through the cervix into the uterus, where the semen is deposited. This technique does not require sedation and causes no damage to the vaginal tract, cervix or uterus. This technique is best used on younger females with no suspected uterine damage and with fresh cooled and frozen semen, which has a shorter life span than fresh semen.
  • Surgical Insemination (Surgical Implant) gives a female the greatest chance of conception. The procedure allows for the examination of the uterus for cysts, occlusions, and adhesions. Many times problems are corrected at the time of surgery, which greatly increases the female’s chance of conception. The uterus is evaluated thru a 2- 3 inch abdominal incision and the semen is injected directly into the uterus through a hypodermic needle. The muscle and skin are sutured. Surgical insemination is the best option for females with a history of missed breedings, older females, females with uterine damage, or when using compromised semen. Prior to surgery, pre-anesthetic bloodwork and heartworm test are performed to assess notable risks under anesthesia. (please provide documentation if heartworm tested within last 12 months and maintained heartworm prevention)


We offer boarding services for reproductive needs. As an AAHA accredited practice, we adhere to their quality medical standards for the health and safety of the animals.

Requirements for boarding:

  • Copy of current vaccinations – Rabies vaccine must be current to board
  • Documentation of negative brucellosis result within the last 6 months (male or female)
  • A surgical release form will be required to be completed at the time the female is boarded for possibility for surgical implant
  • We may require a credit card authorization to be left on file
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